YH IRP Series

商品介紹:YH IRP Series智慧機器手臂棧板機/已機器手臂疊箱代替人工,提升倉儲效率。 YH IRP Series intelligent robot arm stacking machine/Robotical arm stacked box instead of labor to improve storage efficiency.



l 客製化設計:根據您的具體需求進行設計,確保每一個細節都能完美契合您的操作環境。

l 一站式服務:從現場評估到方案設計、設備安裝和售後維護,我們全程為您保駕護航。

l 空棧板架管理:高效處理空棧板,減少佔用空間,提高倉儲利用率。

l 一對多棧板技術:支持一對多棧板操作,提升倉儲和物流效率,減少人力成本。


Product introduction: Yuhou provides intelligent robot palletizer to help you improve warehousing efficiency. We can provide a variety of solutions to meet your needs. We focus on providing customized robotical arm stacking services to meet your current needs. Our team can provide you with one-stop services, evaluate your factory site, and ensure that our plan can be perfectly integrated into your production process.

One-stop robotical arm integration service, customized the best solution.

l Customized design: design according to your specific needs to ensure that every detail can perfectly match your operating environment.

l One-stop service: From on-site evaluation to project design, equipment installation and after-sales maintenance.

l Empty pallet rack management: efficiently handle empty pallet, reduce the space occupied, and improve the utilization rate of warehousing.

l One-to-many pallet technology: support one-to-many pallet operation, improve warehousing and logistics efficiency, and reduce labor costs.

Choosing us means choosing an efficient, safe and sustainable warehousing solution.

We are committed to providing every customer with the best robotical arm stacking solution to help you stand out in the competitive market.

Contact us now to learn more about how we can help your business take your business to a new level.


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